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Vazao Joaozinho 

2014 grey Puro Sangue Lusitano stallion, 15.2hh

Dionisio x Úrsula (Lino)

Competing in Basico Doma Vaquera

Purchased from: Sportpferde Winter


Royal was purchased from Sportpferde Winter to start our Lusitano breeding program. We fell in love with not only his build and pedigree but his personality as well. Royal fits his name to an absolute "t" because he is incredibly confident and charismatic without being too high energy and wild. He just moves with an air of confidence like he knows he is fantastic and handsome. In the pasture he is the top in his group but he isn't too tough on the other boys in his pasture and rules more with looks and threats rather than going right to biting and kicking. Royal is not a horse for a beginner but as long as you can handle a hotter horse without freaking out and panicking or getting rough he isn't that hard to handle. Once under saddle he keeps his energy and charisma but due to his sensitivity he is easy to contain and channel into something productive. He is incredibly sensitive to cues so all you need is the slightest twitch of leg or reins or the slightest shift of weight. This sensitivity can be fantastic if you are confident in cues and really want to be able to perfect your silent and invisible ques but it can be troublesome if the rider is unsure of their cues or they tend to give a little stronger cues. Just like the rest of our baroque hoses, Royal works on the ranch when he's not showing and from day one he has shown that he is a fantastic working horse. We don't use him for gathering livestock due to having better suited horses but we do often use him for roping and holding during doctoring and branding as well as checking and mending fences. Royal is not the easiest horse to work with and he needs a very specific rider but when he does work well with his rider he is fantastic to watch. When you add his build and pedigree to his fiery personality, athleticism, and agility. Royal is built like your typical Puro Sangue Lusitano with a strong and powerful but still elegant build and a bit of a roman nose that we believe makes him look regal. He is a horse that is built to stay sound for years and years of hard work and long hours. With a promising pedigree to back him up Royal is an exciting young stallion to have in our program and we can't wait to see the heights he reaches in both the show ring and the breeding shed.


Genetics: Ee/aa/nCr/Gg

Explanation: Royal is heterozygous at extension and homozygous recessive agouti which means that he is able to produce any of the three bases based on the mare he is bred to. He is also heterozygous for grey and cream which means his foals have a 50% chance of inheriting either one or both from him.

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